11th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2019)
Traditionally, in June, an international conference is held on the scientific platform of KES International
This year, the 11th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT 2019), which was held in Malta in San Julian.
SUAI was traditionally represented at the conference. The reports were made by the head of the department 44 Sergeev M. B., associate professors of the department 44 Vostrikov A. A. and Nenashev V. A., head of the department of informatization Sergeev A. V..
In total, SUAI made 5 reports at the Intelligent Data Processing and Software Paradigms section, which aroused great interest among the conference participants, since the subject of quasi-orthogonal matrices and their applications found followers not only among Russian scientists, but also among scientists from Australia, Israel, Canada, Germany, Greece, Japan, China and other countries.
The recognition of the scientific achievements of the SUAI at the international level today is expressed by the fact that this special section has been held for several years under the co-chairmanship of M. B. Sergeev, who is a member of the International Program Committee.
June 19, 2019