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Nenashev Vadim Alexandrovich (b. 1989)
– Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Computing Systems and Networks, Deputy Director of Institute No. 4 for Scientific and Innovative Activities.
In 2012, he graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation with a degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering. In 2017 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences.
Since 2019 - Head of the Laboratory of Intelligent Technologies and Modeling of Complex Systems of the SUAI. The laboratory includes: 3 doctors of sciences (Sergeev M.B., Shepeta A.P., Balonin N.A.), 4 candidates of sciences (Nenashev V.A., Vostrikov A.A., Sergeev A.M., Sentsov A.A.), as well as graduate students and students of Institute No. 4. The main task of the laboratory is to carry out fundamental and applied research in the field of modeling complex processes and systems, processing and integrating large amounts of information, as well as in the field of modern intellectual technologies. The laboratory is equipped with a network of high-performance supercomputers and other relevant equipment, the necessary information and software resources that serve as the basis for the implementation of modern scientific and technical projects.
Author of 100 scientific, educational and methodical publications, patents and certificates of state registration of computer programs. (More)
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5285-2051
Other IDs
Scopus Author ID: 57188553603
ResearcherID: M-3775-2019
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