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Nenashev Sergey Alexandrovich  (b. 2000)

Student of the Institute of Computing Systems and Programming, Department of Computing Systems and Networks, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.
Employee of the Laboratory of Modeling and Complex Computing Systems;

Scientific awards, societies:
-- Winner of the Grants Competition for students of universities located in St. Petersburg, graduate students of universities, industry and academic institutions located in St. Petersburg;

-- Winner in the competition "Student of the Year SUAI-2020" in the nomination "Best in scientific and technical creativity."
-- The winner of the competition The Committee for Science and Higher Education and the Council of Rectors of the Universities of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region are holding the Student of the Year competition in the higher education system in St. Petersburg in 2020 in the nomination "The Best in Scientific and Technical Creativity";
-- Winner of the competition "UMNIK - Digital Russia. St. Petersburg - 2020 (II)" from the Innovation Promotion Foundation;

-- Winner (bronze medal) of the European competition of student scientific works ISA (ESPC-2020);
-- Member of international scientific societies SPIE and ISA;

-- Winner of the grant competition of the international automation society "ISA Educational Foundation Scholarships 2020";
-- Winner of the "2021 Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship".

-- Finalist of the All-Russian student competition "Your move".
  ANO "Russia - a country of opportunities".

-- Laureate of the Scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation for the 2019-2020 academic year in priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy. Order of the rector of the SUAI No. 08-215/19 dated September 19, 2019
-- Laureate of the state increased academic scholarships. Order of the rector of the SUAI No. 08-122/20 of 03/25/2020
-- Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for students and graduate students mastering higher education programs in organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

International Societies
-- Member of international scientific societies SPIE and ISA

-- Author of more than 20 articles, including publications indexed by Scopus, Web of Science, RSCI. And also 9 state. registrations and 3 databases;
-- Is one of the performers of four research projects.

Experience in managing and participating in research projects
I am one of the performers of research works:

1. Grant of the Russian Science Foundation for the event "Conducting initiative research by young scientists" of the Presidential Program of Research Projects. Project No. 19-79-00303 "Development and research of high-precision methods of multi-position radio-optical monitoring for environmental exploration, forecasting and operational prevention of natural and man-made emergencies" 07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021 The main executor of the project. Registration number: AAAA-A19-119091290051-8 . (More)

2. RFBR grant for the best scientific projects of interdisciplinary fundamental research on the topic "Fundamental problems of managing unmanned vehicles of a "smart city"". Project No. 19-29-06029 MK "Intelligent control system for distributed radar facilities for detecting UAVs in dense urban areas" 01.10.2019-08.02.2022. The main executor of the project. Registration number: AAAA-A19-119101590059-7.

3. State task of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, grant FSRF-2020-0004 "Scientific foundations for building architectures and communication systems of on-board information and computing systems of a new generation for aviation, space systems and unmanned vehicles." 04/16/2020 - 12/31/2021 Project executor. Registration number: AAAA-A20-120060290131-9.

4. State task of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, grant No. 2.2200.2017 / 4.6 "Search and study of extremal quasi-orthogonal matrices for information processing problems." The main executor of the project. 01/01/2018 – 12/31/2019
  Registration number: AAAA-A17-117042710042-9.

5. R&D “Autonomous adaptive walking robot for gas pipeline diagnostics”. Main performer. 10.01.2020-31.12.2021
  ( More)

Experience in R&D leadership
  UMNIK - Digital Russia. St. Petersburg - 2020 (II)" from the Innovation Promotion Fund;

Qualifying Skills:

      1. As part of the regional stage of the All-Russian Competition for Young Technological Entrepreneurs from the Skolkovo Innovation Center, I completed an online course (pre-accelerator);
    2. Passed the pre-acceleration program: "PolyStart"  Fundamentals of commercialization of innovative and scientific and technical projects.
      3.  Passed practical courses on the control of an industrial unmanned platform "DJI M300 RTK" and courses on post-processing of data from "Zenmuse L1" and a thermal imager "DJI Zenmuse XT S" from the company "AEROMOTUS" LLC.  

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6913-5590

Scopus Author ID: 57214081957

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